028 — Virgin Airlines with Tommy McCutchon (Unseen Worlds)
Established in 2006, New York/Texas based label Unseen Worlds continues to receive universal acclaim from the likes of The New York Times and The Wire, following releases from musicians such as Laurie Spiegel, "Blue" Gene Tyranny, and Lubomyr Melnyk.
Cease to Exist invites co-founder and operator Tommy McCutchon to the show for a nice morning discussion via Skype — "The thought of having a means to connect with other people, even if you can never get to fully see the way that someone else experiences the world."
Unseen Worlds releases quality editions of unheralded and revolutionary, yet accessible, avant garde music.
For more information please visit Unseen Worlds on — Website | Twitter | Instagram
Intro Song - Wim Mertens - Noli Me Tangere
01. Peer Raben / Hanna Köhler - Addio Terra - Die Ahnfrau ................... (Antiteater's Greatest Hits (Excerpts from the early works of Peer Raben and R.W. Fassbinder), Kuckuck, 1972)
02. Daniel Lentz - On The Leopard Altar ................... (On the Leopard Altar, Cold Blue, 2006 Reissue)
03. Xavier Cugat - Perfidia ................... (King of Cuban Rhythm, Castle Pie, 2000)
04. If, Bwana - Gilmore's Girls ................... (E (and sometimes why), Pogus, 2012)
05. Wim Mertens - 8 Ball ................... (For Amusement Only, Les Disques Du Crépuscule, 2002 Reissue)
06. Robert Turman - Way Down ................... (Way Down, Dais, 2010 Reissue)
07. Ennio Morricone - Il Clan dei Siciliani ................... (The Complete Edition, GDM, 2008)
08. Mad Music Inc. - Track 4 ................... (Mad Music, Drag City, 2012 Reissue)
09. Tom Recchion - Lepidoptera................... (LAFMS: The Lowest Form of Music, Cortical Foundation, 1996)
10. Scott Walker - Lights of Cincinatti ................... (Scott Walker - The Collection, Spectrum, 2004)
11. Basil Kirchin - 2 ................... (Assignment K, Collector 2 Collector Enterprises, ?)
12. Franco Battiato - Hiver ................... (Juke Box, Ricordi, 1978)