060 — Details of the Ocean with Beau Devereaux (Bridle)


Much like their dynamic spirit, Beau Devereaux, best known under the monikers of Bridle and Samantha Glass, presents a door into a world of adventurous sonic fantasies.

“This collection reflects not only the time spent inside looking outwards, but the time outside looking inwards.

Our hearts and souls carry vast oceans of beauty, weakness, strength, dread etc. We unfold upon that dichotomy with ease, and within the details of acceptance we find the sacredness of our journeys.

With gratitude…..through one reality to the next.”

As the pandemic continues to affect us collectively in innumerable ways, we encourage you to support our guests or an organization of their choosing. If you have the means and are able to contribute, you can send any desired amount directly to: Disability Rights Texas

*For more information please visit Beau Devereaux on: Instagram | SoundCloud

01. Bernardino Femminielli - Touche-Pipi…
02. Cooly G - Landscapes
03. Virna Lindt - Underwater Boy
04. Sven Libaek and His Orchestra - No Flowers On Venus
05. Précurseur Grand Bois - Funeste Échine
06. Rättö. Ja Lehtisalo - Lentävä Sateenvarjo
07. Turquoise Summers - Out from the Shadows
08. Electronic System - Skylab
09. Lena Platonos - Shadows of Blood
10. KevinTheCreep - Universal
11. The Caretaker - All You Are Going To Want To Do Is Get Back There (Tarkovsky Interview rmx)
12. Picchio Dal Pozzo - La Bolla
13. Global Communication - 9 25
14. Ama Divers - You
15. Ghia - You Wonʼt Sleep On My Pillow